
To all the girls that let him sweet-talk you, lust over you and leave you behind

I was once that girl that believed everything he said to me

But bullshit runs in the mouth of love-enders

I was once that girl that thought he was thinking of me

But he wasn’t- He was thinking about fucking another girl he called “beautiful”

But I still stayed because he still called me beautiful and I hoped I was still the only one

But sweetie, read these words carefully

Don’t let him tell you he loves you

His words are not enough to satisfy your unhappiness because he did not call you anymore

Don’t let him tell you, he wants to see your body

It isn’t the only one is he touching

But you still might let him touch you

And while he is touching you, gripping your thighs and licking your neck

Realize the touch of his tongue will not heal the brokenness of your thoughts

Don’t let him tell you, he will call you

Because I was once that girl that waited for the phone to ring

I was once that girl that desired more then just the other girl’s orgasm

But this fucked up society told me I was wrong too

He made me feel so bad for loving on him so hard that I wanted him to forget all the other girls he said “Good Morning” to

But it didn’t work

He still left and didn’t remember me

And that is the worst feeling anyone can feel

So please don’t let him tell you that your lips are the sweetest one he has tasted

Because from those lips, rise the words of a liar who made me think I was believing in more

Don’t ever let him tell you, you are the most important girl in his life

Because while he saying that is he imaging the other girl he fingered, and licked so hard that she melted into your broken heart

And when those last words are released from his mouth, don’t let him finish

Don’t let him tell you that you wont ever find the right guy because of the one thing you couldn’t give him

Don’t let him say one more fucked up lie

Because then when he realizes he messed up and tries to reach out to you

You wont be there

Don’t let him hush you when you tell him you are beautiful enough without him

Don’t be scared to let him know that his touches didn’t heal you but rather it broke you so bad you had to pick up your pieces, put then together and move on

Don’t let him tell you to stop talking because you have so much to say

You say it because it’s your turn to say the fucking truth

So don’t be nervous to tell him you deserve more

And you’re going to try your goddam hardest to find it





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